New Member Signup

Our site allows two types of member accounts. Initiated member account is for those who are already initiated into Kriya Yoga in the lineage of Paramahamsa Hariharananda and Paramahamsa Prajnanananda. For others we provide a Guest member account. This choice of account type can be made by selecting an appropriate answer for "Are You Previously Initiated" question in the form below.If you wish to be initiated, please check our calendar page for initiation events, or contact a center near you for more information. 

If you are applying for an Initiated member account, there is an approval process which can take several days while the Guest member account is done instantaneously.

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Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States & EU Countries 30.00 330.00
Wszystkie inne kraje 10.00 110.00
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