What is Kriya Yoga?

Kriya Yoga is a powerful meditation technique that aims to help spiritual seekers attain the summit of spiritual experience — constant communion with the Divine – with joy and ease.

Based on the science of breath, Kriya Yoga has been handed down — from teacher to student — in an unbroken lineage of enlightened masters that reaches deep into the mists of time immemorial. Kriya Yoga transforms the body, mind, and heart, helping us be calmly active and actively calm.

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Our goal is to create a spiritual environment of love, compassion, cooperation, and service for sincere spiritual seekers and all of creation.

We are dedicated to the service of humanity through spiritual, charitable, health, and educational activities.

We promote integrated growth—spiritual, physical, psychological, emotional, and intellectual—through yoga, meditation, prayer, study, and service.

Our Lineage

Kriya Yoga’s power lies in its ancient lineage, timeless teachings, and intense focus on practical spirituality — making it an ideal path for our contemporary world. Today this vibrant lineage reaches out to welcome seekers through Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, the latest living guru in a powerful tradition of realized masters. He is the principal disciple of the great Kriya Yoga master Paramahamsa Hariharananda.

This website is the digital home of the international organizations established to support the ongoing work of these precious spiritual masters.

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Ashrams & Centers

Kriya Yoga International has ashrams — dedicated spiritual hermitages for practice, meditation and service — across the globe, as well as more than 300 meditation centers worldwide.

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Kriya Yoga initiation programs, meditation intensives, retreats, and special celebrations are held in cities throughout Asia, Australia, Europe, India, New Zealand, North America, and South America every year.

Charitable Activities

The masters of Kriya Yoga teach that spirituality is not just practiced on a meditation cushion. A spiritual person is constantly seeking opportunities to serve others, help others, and erase differences.

“We should learn to live for others. When we live for others, our hearts and minds are purified, and love and compassion flow more deeply. One who serves others seeks opportunities to help others.”

Paramahamsa Prajnanananda Spiritual Head, Kriya Yoga International Organizations

The Kriya Yoga International Organizations support

  • Education
  • Environmental Action
  • Health
  • Poverty Relief
  • Disaster Relief
  • Go Seva