1st and Higher Kriya Retreat, Tattendorf, Austria - TAKES PLACE! Topic: Paramahamsa Yogananda - The great Yoga Pioneer

Jun 02 - Jun 13, 2021

Online registration possible from January 2021


(The retreat will be divided into 2 blocks, one person can only register for one part - to give more people a chance to participate due to the Corona regulations:

Part A:  02nd June evening till 7th June evening - departure latest 8th June 8:30am

Part B: 08th June midday till 13th June midday - arrival on 8th June morning only)

Event blocks and daily seminar schedule:

11.00 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. Meditation (guided by an Acharya) followed by Darshan (with Baba Prajnananandaji)

18.00 - 20.00 hrs Darshan (with Baba Prajnananandaji) and meditation (led by an Acharya)

During this retreat 1st Kriya classes and 2nd Kriya classes are held parallel in our two meditation halls.

Second Kriya initiations are planned for those Kriyavans who have been practicing First Kriya for at least three years and have received permission prior to the retreat. Please contact us for more information about the initiation.

Please find detailled information about this event including all entry rules below.


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Contact Details
Name Phone Email
Kriya Yoga Centre +43 2253 81491 kyc@kriya.eu