Greater Seattle Kriya Yoga center presents a Public Talk: 'Be Your Best Self - A Sacred Invitation'

Jan 05, 2020

Jan 5th is the 127th Birthday of Paramahamsa Yogananda - the author of the best selling spiritual book 'Autobiography of a Yogi'. The Year 2020 also marks the 100th anniversary of Yoganandaji's travel to the West. When the Western world had only heard about the theory of Yoga from Swami Vivekananda, Yoganandaji introduced the practice of yoga and a yogic lifestyle to the West. He inculcated the message of understanding, harmony, and love. He introduced the Western world to Vedic knowledge, path of Yoga, and meditation.

Kriya Yoga International Organizations ( is celebrating this momentous 100th anniversary with events all over the world.

Please join the Greater-Seattle Kriya Yoga Center's public celebration of the life and legacy of Paramahamsa Yogananda - 'His Vision in Action - Bringing Global Unity'.

At 2:30pm on January 5th, there will be a free public talk themed on Paramahamsa Yoganandaji's teaching - 'Be Your Best Self - A Sacred Invitation'. The talk will be delivered by Yogacharya Amit Chatterjee. All are welcome. There will be light refreshments available at the talk. Please feel free to invite your friends and colleagues.

Contact Details
Name Phone Email
Rod Burroff (360) 201-3200
Suresh Sunku (425) 786-5694